Search Results: "christine"

15 February 2010

Christine Spang: a foray into emacs

This spring I'm taking a class that does all its programming assignments in MIT Scheme. The last time I had to write Scheme for class, we used PLT Scheme, and thus the DrScheme editor. This time, with that option out, I've decided to do the assignments in Emacs. It is, after all, an editor built out of lisp. I've used vim for the last five years or so. Some people ask me why this is so I do go to MIT after all, where Emacs was originally written. The answer to that is simply that Debian got to me first, and at the time at least, the people I knew there used vim. I've heard Emacs is good, but up until this point every time I've tried it I've thrown it down in frustration and then couldn't figure out how to exit the damn thing. This time I was more determined, and made it through the initial hump of being completely useless at the editor. Here are a few of my observations so far, after mucking around for a couple days over a period of about two weeks: I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm still trying to bend emacs into being vim with different keybindings instead of figuring out how emacs wants to be used. It's also difficult to compare and contrast between the two editors in that my .vimrc contains years of tweaks and customizations whereas my .emacs started out as a clean slate. There are two things I'm doing to try to mentally separate emacs from vim, to avoid my fingers' muscle memory from becoming confused:
  1. I'm always using emacs in an X window with dark-on-light text, whereas I always use vim in a terminal with light-on-dark text.
  2. I'm only writing scheme in emacs. No other languages so far.
I'm planning to keep working on these programming assignments in emacs, despite it being annoying slower than I would be in vim. Tips and pointers for improving my experience are welcome.

23 January 2010

Christine Spang: Why ask for an unskilled, not-yet-involved comaintainer?

I received a surprising 13 responses to my previous post, which was certainly more than I expected and is one reason it's taken me a few days to follow up on it. (How do you pick someone from a group of 13 people based on just a paragraph or two? Clearly I'd like for someone to help all of these people get involved in Debian, but to do so solely by myself would be making a commitment that I just don't have time to come through on. So, it ends up being quite arbitrary. I pick who I think I'd most like working with and could make the most out of the opportunity, and even that is an arbitrary judgement based on very little.) One question asked by one of the people who emailed me was, "Why did you ask for someone who isn't involved in Debian already and who doesn't necessarily have the technical skills needed?" The answer to this question has several facets. For one, people already involved in a free software project tend to be busy people. The workload in projects tends to be concentrated in few hands, and many of those people who are already involved in a project don't need or want any more work. So, asking for someone not already involved in Debian increases the pool of people who might respond to such a request and actually be able to follow up on it. While this a valid reason, it still doesn't explain why I didn't just say, "it's okay if you're not already involved in Debian or don't know python" and not state a preference as to the skill level of the person who would respond to such a request. I did, however, have a specific reason for stating my preference. I asked specifically for someone who wasn't already involved in Debian and who didn't necessarily know python or consider themselves a competent programmer because I wanted to encourage people who don't consider themselves to already know enough to be a useful comaintainer to contact me. I've picked up a lot from following Geek Feminism on what sort of language turns minority groups like women away, and I wanted to ask in such a way that it didn't turn away people who aren't good at self-promotion or who are less sure of their skills, or who don't yet have the skills, men and women alike. Even I still sometimes internally question my own competence as a programmer, and my self-confidence has increased over the past few years. (For the curious, the responses I received were, at my guess, 85% male, 15% female. Whether that's a success or not depends on the demographics of those who read the post, but it is better than the ~98% male involvement in the FLOSS world altogether.) And I do think it's more of a contribution to the project to help someone new get involved than to try to convince someone who's already overcome the barrier to entry to take on some more work. We'll see how it turns out in the end. I have high hopes. (No pressure, soon-to-be-selected mentee.)

18 January 2010

Christine Spang: Quodlibet: looking for mentee comaintainer

Quodlibet is a GTK+ audio library manager / player. In Debian, it makes up four binary packages: quodlibet, quodlibet-ext, exfalso, and quodlibet-plugins. It's big/popular enough to get a few bugs filed against it and for people to yell when things break, but not so big as to be overwhelming. Since the previous comaintainer has been inactive for some time, I've been thinking that it might be nice to have a comaintainer again. During my academic term at MIT or if I'm on vacation, I don't get to things as quickly as I should. The package has also gone through a period of inactive Debian maintainers and a period of inactive upstream maintainers, so it's accumulated a fair number of ignored bugs in the BTS. And in general, having others to fall back on is a good thing, as long as it doesn't lead to no one taking responsibility. So, here's a deal: I want a comaintainer. There's a catch, though: this person doesn't need to be already involved in Debian. In fact, I'd prefer it if she weren't. If you have a good grasp on the English language, enthusiasm for Debian, and a willingness to learn some technical skills, contact me, preferably via email, and let me know who you are. Quodlibet is written in python, but I'm explicitly not saying that you need to know python in order to help out. You'll gain the benefit of having someone willing to answer your questions and direct your efforts and an automatic sponsor for uploads you prepare. I can't say I have a ton of time to put into mentoring someone, but I'm willing to put in some, so hopefully such an arrangement will turn out well for all parties involved: you, me, upstream, and Debian. :)

6 January 2010

Christine Spang: configuring Gnome screensaver for unicode-screensaver

I love unicode. You should too. For the unicode-lover out there, Joachim Breitner recently created an xscreensaver hack called unicode and uploaded it to debian. [1] I didn't like the default colourscheme of black text on a white background, so I hacked it to support colour configurability. The patches are in the Debian package as of version 0.2-1. If you're using xscreensaver, you can configure it using the xscreensaver configuration dialog for a subset of the available colours. If you want different colours, you can edit ~/.xscreensaver by hand. Gnome screensaver, however, does not have a configuration UI, opting instead to present a simpler interface and also allow administrators to lock down the screensaver configuration if desired. You can still configure the screensaver on unlocked systems without a GUI. Here's how to do it. [2] At a terminal:
mkdir -p .local/share/applications/screensavers
cp /usr/share/applications/screensavers/unicode.desktop .local/share/applications/screensavers
editor .local/share/applications/screensavers
There's an Exec line in the file that should look like this:
Exec=/usr/lib/xscreensaver/unicode -root
Change it to look like this:
Exec=/usr/lib/xscreensaver/unicode -root -background <bgcolor> -foreground <fontcolor>
Swap the two colours with any X11 colour of your choice. Make sure to quote any multiple-word colour names. I like black as a background, with white or firebrick or another non-jarring bright colour as the font colour. If you want, you can also change the "Name" field in the file, but it's not necessary for things to work. Now, open up gnome-screensaver-preferences and select the new screensaver. U+2673: RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR TYPE-1 PLASTICS Lastly, leave your laptop strategically with the screensaver on to geek out all your friends with your unicode prowess. [1] Thanks Joachim! [2] There is actually another way to do it, if you prefer to interact graphically. For the other method, get /usr/share/applications/screensavers/unicode.desktop, edit it to your taste, and then drag-and-drop it onto gnome-screensaver-preferences, which will automatically put it in the right place in .local. You may need to restart gnome-screensaver preferences in order to see the new screensaver in the selection box. The feedback isn't very good.

30 December 2009

Christine Spang: Coders at Work

On the train to my parents' house for Christmas I finished up a wild run through the book Coders at Work. The book isn't even mine, but I'd been borrowing it very often, sometimes to the chagrin of its owner, because I could barely put it down. Coders at Work book cover The book is a collection of interviews with 15 great programmers of our time, starting with Jamie Zawinsky and ending with Donald Knuth. It's written in an interview style each interview starts with a brief introduction to the person being interviewed, summarizing what the person is known for and what he or she has accomplished and a few of the highlights of the interview, and then a transcript of the interview follows, with the author/editor, Peter Siebel, will saying something or asking a question, and the interviewee responding. I was skeptical about this format at first because I feel like it can be an easy way out of good editing and make the reader have to do the work of the editor, but on finishing I think that Siebel uses the format to his advantage in this case. For one, the speech format allows the reader to really form a picture of how the person being interviewed speaks and would act in a conversation. Jamie is somewhat bitter and pretty informal. Brad Fitzpatrick is flippant and energetic, his speech littered with profanity and colloquialisms. Others seem more stately and verbose Joe Armstrong's responses can go on for a page or more. In this way, not only do readers learn something about what these greats have learned about programming, but we also feel a bit more like we've met or know them, and can connect to them more as people. I always have this problem where I want to read computer books, but often computer books seem inextricably tied to the computer, so there's this dynamic of reading a bit and then wanting to get on a machine and try something out, write some code, play around especially with books focused on a specific language. Coders at Work retains some of this computer-book dynamic in that I constantly encountered things that I want to investigate or play around with more: Erlang, OCaml, various papers and essays, Knuth's literate programs, and books such as Higher Order Perl and others. Siebel makes a point to ask each person what her short-list of books and papers programmers should read are, so this book is a great source of pointers to other reading material. Unlike a more specific book, however, keeping a list in a notebook was enough to settle the mind to read away-from-a-computer for chapters at a time. It's obvious that despite the interview format, Siebel has done some serious editing. None of the prose is boring to read, and I can't imagine that the text is a straight transcript of how the interviews went. He also has arranged the interviews in an order such that different interviews play off each other. In Branden Eich's interview, for example, he disparages the book Design Patterns:
I never bought the Gamma book. Some people at Netscape did, some of Jamie Zawinski's and my nemeses from another acquisition, they waved it around like the Bible and they were kind of insufferable because they weren't the best programmers.
In the next chapter, Joshua Bloch names it as a book he thinks programmers should read:
Another one, which I have slightly mixed feelings about but I still think everyone should read, is Design Patterns. It gives us a common vocabulary. There are a lot of good ideas in there.
Similar plays, such as Ken Thompson and Fran Allen disagreeing on the badness of C, happen in later chapters, tieing together the different chapters and illustrating how even really good programmers disagree on the Right Thing all the time. Clearly the craft of programming is no settled thing. Besides the general structure of the book being well thought-out, the material is generally thought-provoking and interesting. One thing that stood out to me was Joshua Bloch describing what he called the "empathy gene", which is what a programmer has to have if he's going to be able to design good APIs and programming languages he has to be able to put himself in the shoes of the person who will be using the language or API. This is one thing that differentiates how different programmers can be good at different things. Another thing that stood out to me is that many of those interviewed stated that they don't use much in the way of modern tools and IDEs Joshua Bloch and Simon Peyton-Jones both touch on this, just to name a couple examples, even though some say that they think using these tools would make them more productive, especially when it comes to refactoring. This is a testament to the power of inertia sometimes there is just no chance to be unproductive now in order to be more productive later. Or perhaps just a sign that a programmable text-editor can stand on the same level as a heavier tool in terms of productivity in the right hands. I could go on with examples, but the conclusion here is that I thoroughly enjoyed Coders at Work, and I think it is a book that is well-worth the time spent reading the entire thing.

25 September 2009

Christine Spang: principle of most surprise

A python example in ipython:
In [1]: for i in range(10):
...:     print "i in loop:", i
i in loop: 0
i in loop: 1
i in loop: 2
i in loop: 3
i in loop: 4
i in loop: 5
i in loop: 6
i in loop: 7
i in loop: 8
i in loop: 9
In [2]: print "i out of loop:", i
i out of loop: 9
This bit me last night while writing some code for a digital communications lab assignment. I typed the wrong variable name, which was from an inner loop when I meant to use the element from the outer loop. Is there actually a sane reason for a loop variable not to go out of scope when the loop ends? Tell me there's a good reason for it. It took me completely by surprise.

24 September 2009

Christine Spang: FSF Women in Free Software Mini Summit

I was one of the participants invited to the FSF's Women in Free Software mini-summit which happened on the same day as Software Freedom Day this year. That was this past Saturday, September 19th. I was feeling hesitant going in, given the controversy over "why would the FSF run a closed event about such an important topic" and just a general burnt out feeling about the subject on my part. Honestly, I've tended to avoid being much of a feminist in the past and simply hope that people will stop bickering and leave me to my code, especially in the aftermath following well-publicised incidents. This is despite the fact that the thing that got me involved with free software originally was Debian Women, back in late 2004/early 2005. I needed a hook, and yet I haven't felt confident enough to reach out to others now that I'm in. I see now that there are valid reasons for having an event that is purposefully small. We all fit in a nice conference room at the FSF office, the atmosphere was very intimate, we got to learn everyone's names (and even remember them). I met some great local free software people who I hadn't met before. Food was take out from My Thai, an excellent vegan restaurant in Boston's Chinatown. While it sucks to be exclusive, in my opinion the small size really had an effect on what we got done and how we felt at the end. The official minutes from the meeting are online here, and there's a picture and brief blog post from Deborah here. The picture was taken using Cheese! I'm in the middle wearing my ever-popular Best Practical "my free software runs your company" t-shirt. There are only a few things I want to highlight myself.
  1. It was a great idea to invite someone who is involved in freedom movements but is not necessarily heavily involved in free software in particular. Hillary brought fresh insights and helped us draw parallels and come up with ideas that I don't think we would have thought of otherwise. It's easy to get used to parts of a community as being "normal" and I am so happy that we have allies who can show us where we've internalised or just have learned to ignore sexist parts of the community. Women in free software are already in free software and we need to learn to reach out to others who aren't in already.
  2. Cooperative power. There are groups of people that just aren't attracted by FOSS marketing that challenges you to "prove yourself the best" or similar. Just because someone doesn't like coding at 3am doesn't mean he doesn't like coding. If we want to succeed at our mission, we need to stop thinking win-lose and start thinking win-win. This applies to being more inclusive in general, not just for women. It also applies to valuing contributions from those who don't code. We need them too.
  3. There are times when I don't speak up and I should. There are times when I don't blog (or participate in discussions via other media) because I don't feel like dealing with potential community backlash. I am very careful about not stepping on peoples' toes, because I've seen other people get trampled on and am not particularly excited about experiencing that myself. While I'm trying to cultivate courage in myself, it was good to have a reminder that it's not just me.
The current plan is to hold a bigger event that is open to all in the spring. I am so excited about the momentum we are building! I think the biggest thing that I took out of this is that there are still things wrong with the community and that I shouldn't be afraid to speak up and be an activist. Watching people like Deborah and Hillary talk perfectly seriously about making very long-term plans and reaching parity was incredibly empowering. We can do so much better. The time to do it is now.

30 May 2009

Christine Spang: microblogging

At some point in the recent past I gave in and signed up for Identica and Twitter. I'm now simultaneously posting to both these services and Facebook via Gwibber. (I grabbed the Ubuntu package from Launchpad since the Debian ITP has been stalled for some time.) In one way, I've been microblogging for some time via Zephyr. But I sometimes feel limited by the fact that it only puts me in touch with the MIT community (and only a subset of that, even), so perhaps Twitter/Identica will prove a better solution.

20 April 2009

Julien Valroff: HADOPI - meeting with my local representative

Following to the email sent regarding the French law known as HADOPI (I blogged about it a few weeks ago), I had a meeting this afternoon with my local representative. This half an hour meeting allowed me to explain my fears regarding this firewall which could be set up on French citizens computers to enable them to prove their non-culpability (provided their computer runs a popular proprietary OS). My representative kindly listened to me and his assistant understood the situation very well. I was even impressed that they have worked a lot on this law before the meeting. They both proposed to raise this issue to Christine Albanel, the current French Minister for Culture and Communication, who is at the origin of this law. They agreed to say that this wouldn t be changed for the next lecture (planned for the end of the month), as this particular chapter was meant to be detailed in further texts. They also admitted that this law had little chance to be really applied as is, as they consider some aspects to be anti-constitutional - they hence think that the French Constitutional Council will prevent this law to be applied, at least as it is when writing this post.
My representative also admitted that this law was somewhat outdated (even if not yet voted!). Actually, this kind of law will ever be outdated I kindly thank my representative for his time and his frankness (even if on the bad side for this law, he was very open to my thoughts). Good to know France is still a real Democracy!

11 April 2009

Christine Spang: continued world domination

Debathena Beta was rolled out to something along the lines of 10% of formerly RHEL-based computing cluster machines about a month ago. I talked about the plans for this some time ago, and it's exciting to see it actually occurring on vaguely the intended schedule. Now I can tool on campus on Debian (well, almost), and thanks to a generous application of magic**, I can even install any package in Ubuntu's universe repository on cluster machines if I need it (the machine will be restored to a good state on session logout). Rock on.

** I hear it involves schroot and LVM snapshots, but at any rate it appears to be approximately indistinguishable from magic.

24 February 2009

Russell Coker: Tragedy and Profit

Every time something goes wrong there will be someone who tries to take advantage of the situation. The recent bushfires in Australia that have killed hundreds of people (the count is not known yet) are a good example. Pastor Nalliah of Catch the Fire Ministries [1] claims that it is due to legalising abortion. This is astoundingly wrong. In a more extreme example representatives of the Westboro Baptist Church were planning to visit Australia to launch a protest in support of the bushfires [2]. I have not yet found any news reports about whether they actually visited Australia or protested - it s most likely that they decided not to visit due to the Australian laws being very different to US laws regarding the relative importance of freedom of speech and incitement to violence. Apparently the insane Westboro Baptist Church people (who are best known for and believe that God hates Australia and caused the fires (presumably due to Australia not persecuting homosexuals). Danny Nalliah has permanently damaged his own reputation by acting in a similar way to the Westboro Baptist Church. The reputation of Catch The Fire now depends on how quickly they get a new pastor Please note well that the vast majority of Christians have nothing in common with Westboro or Catch The Fire. I don t recall the last time I met an Australian Christian who was strongly opposed to homosexuality or abortion. Now we do have to try and investigate ways of avoiding future tragedies, and the work to do this needs to begin immediately. John Brumby (the Premier of Victoria) has announced that Victoria will get new strict building codes for fire resistant buildings [3]. There have been many anecdotes of people who claim to have been saved by attaching sprinkler systems to their homes, by building concrete bunkers to hide in while the fire passes, and using other techniques to save their home or save themselves. Some more research on the most effective ways of achieving such goals would be worthwhile, an increase in funding for the CSIRO to investigate the related issues would be a good thing. The article also has an interesting quote As the fallout from the disaster widened, the union representing the nation s 13,000 firefighters warned both the federal and state governments to take global warming seriously to prevent a repeat of last weekend s lethal firestorm . However given that traditionally Australia and the US have been the two nations most opposed to any efforts to mitigate global warming it seems unlikely that anything will change in this regard in a hurry. The attempts to link bushfires to abortion and homosexuality are offensive, but can be ignored in any remotely serious debate about politics. However there are some other groups trying to profit from the tragedy that make claims which are not as ridiculous. On the 9th of February the Australian Green party was compelled to release an official statement from Spokesperson Scott Ludlam, Sarah Hanson-Young, Rachel Siewert, Christine Milne, and Bob Brown following some political discussion about Greens policies [4]. There have been attempts to blame the Greens for the tragedy which were politically motivated, some of which came from groups that traditionally oppose the Greens for other reasons (I m not going to provide the detail - anyone who is really interested can do google searches on the people in question). On the 16th of February Bob Brown (the leader of the Green party) felt obliged to make another media release reiterating the fact that the Greens support prescribed burn-offs to limit the scope of wild fires [5], he also decried the hate mongering that has been occurring in the wake of the disaster. One of the strange memes that seems to be spread by opponents to the Greens is that the Greens are all supposedly from the city and know nothing about the country. To avoid being subject to such attack I feel obliged to note that on one of the bad fire days I visited my parents. I spent the morning with my father and some friends at a park that was not far from the fire area, my friends then returned to their home which was not far from the fire area. I then had lunch with my parents and watched the smoke through the dining room window. After that my friends didn t respond to email for a while and I was concerned that they may have lost their house or maybe suffered injury or death. I didn t know them well enough to feel it appropriate to try a dozen different ways of contacting them (I m sure that many other people were doing so), but I was rather concerned until my wife received an email from them. But I don t base my political beliefs on what I personally observe or my connections to people on the edge of the fire zone. I believe in the Green principles of Peace and Non Violence, Grassroots Democracy, Social and Economic Justice, Ecological Sustainability and the use of science and statistics to determine the best ways of achieving those goals.

9 February 2009

Christine Spang: Sage Math now in Debian

Thanks to the hard work of Tim Abbott and the FTP masters, Sage can now be found in the unstable repository. Tim deserves a whole bunch of kudos for his determination in getting Sage into Debian it involved a lot of working with upstream to resolve a variety of problems that made life difficult for packagers, and, as far as I can tell, a non-trivial amount of time. My involvement in the job was fairly minimal just reviewing and uploading. There are still a few issues with the packaging that are being worked out with upstream for the next version before sagemath can migrate into testing (after Lenny, of course), but the package should be at least functional. If you were looking to give Sage a try before but gave up because it wasn t in Debian, now s your chance to check it out! (The same goes if you re interested in free mathematics software but hadn t heard of Sage before.)

8 February 2009

Biella Coleman: People of the screen

Geeks are creatures of the screen. Many, I have found, are also great lovers of books. I have peered into the homes and apartment of many and books usually adorn the walls and the tables. The exist in abundance. Though I am more or less paid to read for a living but these days, I don t seem to the time to do extra reading and I often mourn the fact that I spend so much time getting scraps of stories and information from the net as opposed to delving into a great book, over the course of weeks and weeks (and as opposed to reading, often hurriedly but totally intensely, for class).
I do manage to get in some good articles and last night, I pushed through the heaviness of sleepiness to read a pretty interesting article People of the Screen by Christine Rosen. Though a bit too alarmist for my taste, I enjoyed reading it, largely because it was written well and also brought some interesting questions and points to the table about the transition from a print culture to a digital one. One point, that I was not surprised to read, is the most avid of screen users (programmers, the digerati), are also avid readers. But among the less (economically) privileged, who have different educational relationships to books and who also may not have the time to read, reading in the traditional sense, is may soon be a more or less historical fact. What I also enjoyed reading about and contemplating are the different material properties of the screen vs print book and the ways in which these affordances might create a different user/intellectual (almost existential, the author would argue) experience. For example, she argues that the emotional relationship to treeware books are more profound, or that reading a long novel (vs playing a video game) is about submitting your will at least for a while to the narrative and the story. I don t agree with all of her assessments but I certainly agree that there are phenomenological differences between reading words on sheets of paper and the pages of a compact book, and then reading from the blue hue of a screen, often sitting upright, and whose text, at least for me, does not seem quite alive as it is when imprinted on bounded paper. But I don t think this necessarily has anything to do with some inherent properties of the screen. For example, writing on the screen does nothing but enliven text for me. When it comes to writing, I cannot imagine doing it any way but via the screen and the keyboard. I can play around with some words and erase with impunity. I can move around a whole paragraph here and there, split it into two or three and as such it feels dynamic and quite alive. I am sure I have lost, or there is something to lose, by not going straight from brain to pen but I never did all that much serious writing without the keyboard and so perhaps there was nothing to lose, no bodily transitional for me to undergo, and thus nothing to really mourn. So, I suspect many readers of this blog are voracious writers and readers, on screen and off screen. Do you, can you read novels on the screen? If you love the printed book, why? Are you concerned about the loss of this medium? Or is there nothing to really worry about since technologists will eventually create a new digital medium that will surpass, in terms of a good user experience, the printed book?

Biella Coleman: People of the screen

Geeks are creatures of the screen. Many, I have found, are also great lovers of books. I have peered into the homes and apartment of many and books usually adorn the walls and the tables. The exist in abundance. Though I am more or less paid to read for a living but these days, I don t seem to the time to do extra reading and I often mourn the fact that I spend so much time getting scraps of stories and information from the net as opposed to delving into a great book, over the course of weeks and weeks (and as opposed to reading, often hurriedly but totally intensely, for class).
I do manage to get in some good articles and last night, I pushed through the heaviness of sleepiness to read a pretty interesting article People of the Screen by Christine Rosen. Though a bit too alarmist for my taste, I enjoyed reading it, largely because it was written well and also brought some interesting questions and points to the table about the transition from a print culture to a digital one. One point, that I was not surprised to read, is the most avid of screen users (programmers, the digerati), are also avid readers. But among the less (economically) privileged, who have different educational relationships to books and who also may not have the time to read, reading in the traditional sense, is may soon be a more or less historical fact. What I also enjoyed reading about and contemplating are the different material properties of the screen vs print book and the ways in which these affordances might create a different user/intellectual (almost existential, the author would argue) experience. For example, she argues that the emotional relationship to treeware books are more profound, or that reading a long novel (vs playing a video game) is about submitting your will at least for a while to the narrative and the story. I don t agree with all of her assessments but I certainly agree that there are phenomenological differences between reading words on sheets of paper and the pages of a compact book, and then reading from the blue hue of a screen, often sitting upright, and whose text, at least for me, does not seem quite alive as it is when imprinted on bounded paper. But I don t think this necessarily has anything to do with some inherent properties of the screen. For example, writing on the screen does nothing but enliven text for me. When it comes to writing, I cannot imagine doing it any way but via the screen and the keyboard. I can play around with some words and erase with impunity. I can move around a whole paragraph here and there, split it into two or three and as such it feels dynamic and quite alive. I am sure I have lost, or there is something to lose, by not going straight from brain to pen but I never did all that much serious writing without the keyboard and so perhaps there was nothing to lose, no bodily transitional for me to undergo, and thus nothing to really mourn. So, I suspect many readers of this blog are voracious writers and readers, on screen and off screen. Do you, can you read novels on the screen? If you love the printed book, why? Are you concerned about the loss of this medium? Or is there nothing to really worry about since technologists will eventually create a new digital medium that will surpass, in terms of a good user experience, the printed book?

17 January 2009

Clint Adams: The most beautiful French accent ever

A year ago, I received the following communiqu :
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... brraaaiiinnnnssss............. (oui! c'est moi. ^_^)

23 December 2008

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort: Collaborative maintenance

The Debian Python Modules Team is discussing which DVCS to switch to from SVN. Ondrej Certik asked how to generate a list of commiters to the team s repository, so I looked at it and got this:
emilio@saturno:~/deb/python-modules$ svn log egrep "^r[0-9]+ cut -f2 -d sed s/-guest// sort uniq -c sort -n -r
865 piotr
609 morph
598 kov
532 bzed
388 pox
302 arnau
253 certik
216 shlomme
212 malex
175 hertzog
140 nslater
130 kobold
123 nijel
121 kitterma
106 bernat
99 kibi
87 varun
83 stratus
81 nobse
81 netzwurm
78 azatoth
76 mca
73 dottedmag
70 jluebbe
68 zack
68 cgalisteo
61 speijnik
61 odd_bloke
60 rganesan
55 kumanna
52 werner
50 haas
48 mejo
45 ucko
43 pabs
42 stew
42 luciano
41 mithrandi
40 wardi
36 gudjon
35 jandd
34 smcv
34 brettp
32 jenner
31 davidvilla
31 aurel32
30 rousseau
30 mtaylor
28 thomasbl
26 lool
25 gaspa
25 ffm
24 adn
22 jmalonzo
21 santiago
21 appaji
18 goedson
17 toadstool
17 sto
17 awen
16 mlizaur
16 akumar
15 nacho
14 smr
14 hanska
13 tviehmann
13 norsetto
13 mbaldessari
12 stone
12 sharky
11 rainct
11 fabrizio
10 lash
9 rodrigogc
9 pcc
9 miriam
9 madduck
9 ftlerror
8 pere
8 crschmidt
7 ncommander
7 myon
7 abuss
6 jwilk
6 bdrung
6 atehwa
5 kcoyner
5 catlee
5 andyp
4 vt
4 ross
4 osrevolution
4 lamby
4 baby
3 sez
3 joss
3 geole
2 rustybear
2 edmonds
2 astraw
2 ana
1 twerner
1 tincho
1 pochu
1 danderson
As it s likely that the Python Applications Packaging Team will switch too to the same DVCS at the same time, here are the numbers for its repo:

emilio@saturno:~/deb/python-apps$ svn log egrep "^r[0-9]+ cut -f2 -d sed s/-guest// sort uniq -c sort -n -r
401 nijel
288 piotr
235 gothicx
159 pochu
76 nslater
69 kumanna
68 rainct
66 gilir
63 certik
52 vdanjean
52 bzed
46 dottedmag
41 stani
39 varun
37 kitterma
36 morph
35 odd_bloke
29 pcc
29 gudjon
28 appaji
25 thomasbl
24 arnau
20 sc
20 andyp
18 jalet
15 gerardo
14 eike
14 ana
13 dfiloni
11 tklauser
10 ryanakca
10 nxvl
10 akumar
8 sez
8 baby
6 catlee
4 osrevolution
4 cody-somerville
2 mithrandi
2 cjsmo
1 nenolod
1 ffm
Here I m the 4th most committer :D And while I was on it, I thought I could do the same for the GNOME and GStreamer teams:
emilio@saturno:~/deb/pkg-gnome$ svn log egrep "^r[0-9]+ cut -f2 -d sed s/-guest// sort uniq -c sort -n -r
5357 lool
2701 joss
1633 slomo
1164 kov
825 seb128
622 jordi
621 jdassen
574 manphiz
335 sjoerd
298 mlang
296 netsnipe
291 grm
255 ross
236 ari
203 pochu
198 ondrej
190 he
180 kilian
176 alanbach
170 ftlerror
148 nobse
112 marco
87 jak
84 samm
78 rfrancoise
75 oysteigi
73 jsogo
65 svena
65 otavio
55 duck
54 jcurbo
53 zorglub
53 rtp
49 wasabi
49 giskard
42 tagoh
42 kartikm
40 gpastore
34 brad
32 robtaylor
31 xaiki
30 stratus
30 daf
26 johannes
24 sander-m
21 kk
19 bubulle
16 arnau
15 dodji
12 mbanck
11 ruoso
11 fpeters
11 dedu
11 christine
10 cpm
7 ember
7 drew
7 debotux
6 tico
6 emil
6 bradsmith
5 robster
5 carlosliu
4 rotty
4 diegoe
3 biebl
2 thibaut
2 ejad
1 naoliv
1 huats
1 gilir

emilio@saturno:~/deb/pkg-gstreamer$ svn log egrep "^r[0-9]+ cut -f2 -d sed s/-guest// sort uniq -c sort -n -r
891 lool
840 slomo
99 pnormand
69 sjoerd
27 seb128
21 manphiz
8 he
7 aquette
4 elmarco
1 fabian
- Why do I have the full python-modules and pkg-gstreamer trees, if I have just one commit to DPMT, and don t even have commit access to the GStreamer team?
- If you don t want to seem like you have done less commits than you have actually done, don t change your alioth name when you become a DD ;) (hint: pox-guest and piotr in python-modules are the same person)
- If the switch to a new VCS was based on a vote where you have one vote per commit, the top 3 commiters in pkg-gnome could win the vote if they chosed the same! For python-apps it s the 4 top commiters, and the 7 ones for python-modules. pkg-gstreamer is a bit special :)

9 November 2008

Christine Spang: Switching to Colemak

Way back in mid-late May, I switched keyboard layouts from standard US QWERTY to Colemak. I’d played around with the layout a bit before that and thought it seemed pretty solid, but it hadn’t been a good time to switch then. (I did, however, snag the idea of remapping Caps Lock to Backspace from that early trial though, and to this day that’s probably the most annoying thing about typing on QWERTY, because I associate Caps Lock with Backspace on both layouts now. Anyway.) This time, however, I strategically timed it to coincide with the end of classes, so I had no assignments due and could make a fool out of myself during the first few days of my summer job. Smashing success. It only took a couple days to get past the point of extremely frustrating slowness. Two weeks in I was up to 40wpm, which was about the point where I stopped noticing that I’d taken a backwards step in typing speed, as it didn’t really hinder anything I did on a regular basis. By the end of the summer I was back up to the same speed as I’d been prior to switching (around 75wpm). I didn’t really do any typing lessons after the first few days, as I found just doing whatever I would normally do on a computer much more interesting. The biggest hurdle after the initial adaptation of actually being able to type on the layout was, for a command-line lover like myself, dealing with “hjkl” not being a convenient way of navigating around in console apps like mutt, vim, aptitude, and less. After a bit of experimentation, I stole an idea from this page and started adapting my dotfiles to make these programs use ne for jk and st for hl, and that seems to be working out well. The worst key that this clobbers in general is n, but it’s pretty easy to remap that to QWERTY’s n, which is easy to remember and is the hardly-used k on the Colemak layout. For any interested others, I’ve thrown the relevant dotfile snippets up here. I’d been putting off blogging this because I wanted to finish setting up dotfiles/homedirs-in-git la Joey Hess beforehand, but I figure I’ll never actually get it done if I keep using that excuse. For mutt, the given snippet goes in your .muttrc (or whatever you source keybindings into your muttrc from). The same goes for vim. Aptitude keybindings go in .aptitude/config. For less, it’s a little more arcane: first you stick your keybindings in .lesskey, and then you run the command lesskey. I also remapped screen’s escape key to ctrl-t. Why not Dvorak? Dvorak seems to be the most well-known QWERTY alternative around, so why didn’t I switch to that if I wanted something better? I did try Dvorak first, but the incredibly uncomfortable combination of ls on the right pinky was a complete deal-breaker. I also found it very slow-going to try to adapt to Dvorak after typing on QWERTY for years. The Colemak FAQ has some more notes on Dvorak deficiencies that it addresses. Overall, I’ve found typing on Colemak to be remarkably lacking in anything that particularly bothers me. I still type on QWERTY a little, but mostly just for login prompts on Athena workstations and the desktop machine in my room which my roommate sometimes uses. I have to glance down at the keyboard when typing on QWERTY to get it back in my head, but generally I only need it for a few minutes anyway and it’s no big deal. As long as I glance down occasionally I can still maintain a speed level well above that of frustration. On the plus side, this means that if I look at the keyboard when typing normally in Colemak, I get screwed up because I start thinking in QWERTY. So it’s good touch-typing reinforcement in general.

27 September 2008

Christine Spang: finally found a decent DAP

I recently bought a 4GB Sansa Clip to solve the problem where once-a-week or so I want portable music or podcasts and don’t have any: namely, at the gym, occasionally when walking somewhere, and on trains and buses. I’ve been looking for something exactly like this for ages—small, attachable for use during exercise, enough space for a few hours of music/audio, OGG support, and not necessarily much more than that. Basically, an iPod Shuffle that plays OGG and doesn’t involve dealing with Apple. For the longest of time, this was pie-in-the-sky nonexistant. After a few weeks of using the Clip, I’m extremely pleased so far. The battery life is much longer than I’d ever want to listen to music for continuously (they claim 15 hours, and I haven’t gotten it down to less than half charge yet). It’s light in the hand but not too flimsy in feel, the clip makes it easy to attach to e.g. shorts, the interface is easy to use, and the sound quality is good. After upgrading to the latest firmware, it plays OGG as well as MP3. Both Rhymthbox and Banshee work for transferring files to it. I think my biggest complaint so far would be that the audio jack doesn’t fit in as securely as it could, which sometimes manifests as sound skipping and can be fixed by making sure the headphones are completely plugged in. Seriously, it was funny when my Walkman skipped during runs in 2003, but I hope I’m past that phase of life at this point. At any rate, it doesn’t happen all that often, so it’s more of a minor annoyance than anything. And well, the firmware isn’t free—but hey, can’t have everything.

3 July 2008

Christine Spang: Summer Conferences

The usual suspects apply: too expensive for me especially without a guarantee of sponsorship, etc. Maybe next year! It turns out that due to a weird collision of circumstances I am going to GUADEC, however. I will probably be doing more Istanbul-exploring than talk-attending, but I will certainly be around for evening socialization. I am also currently in Cambridge, UK, and will be here until mid-August. This is the summer of last-minute plans, apparently.

25 May 2008

Andrew Pollock: [life] Prague to Zurich, and driving in Europe in general

We got back to Zurich late last night (not quite as late as we got into Prague though, thankfully). We stopped off in Deggendorf on the way through Germany to visit our friend Christine from the Bilbys, who has moved back to Germany, along with her Australian boyfriend, who is now furiously learning German (we're talking a year-long immersion program). Deggendorf was a gorgeous little town, with cobblestone streets and more Churches than you can shake a stick at. Unfortunately we could only stay for a few hours, so we had a barbecue lunch and a quick wander around, and headed off on our way again. This morning we dropped the rental car back at the airport, had one of our typical misadventures on the train (went the wrong way at first) and then caught a tram back to the apartment. Everything being in German is a bit of a challenge. Parts of it you can make out, parts of it are totally unintelligible. There seems to be a general tendency to concatenate words, for example, our apartment is on what would translate to "Rehalp Street", but in the local vernacular, is expressed as "Rehalpstrasse". So when you're looking around and trying to follow directions, the names don't seem quite so ludicrously long and intimidating if you just drop the "strasse" or the "br cke" (bridge). The car that we rented from the Zurich airport developed some kind of non-critical fault on the way to Prague, and Sarah exchanged it for another one in Prague, as Hertz seemed unable to fix it. (It had the "check engine" and "check vehicle stability control" lights on). So we drove to Prague in a petrol Toyota Auris, and drove back in a diesel Audi A3. We both preferred the Auris over the A3, as the A3 seemed easier to stall, and harder to recover from a stall. Putting it in reverse was totally unintuitive as well. Speaking of fuel, it sure is expensive over here. We paid about 60 euros in Germany somewhere to put about three quarters of a tank in the Auris on the way to Prague, and we spent about 100 CHF to refill the A3 in Zurich. I think Sarah said the diesel cost converted to about $9 USD per gallon. So it was a nice novelty value to drive across Europe, but I don't think we'll be doing it again in a hurry. I did enjoy driving on the autobahns though. While I'm writing about driving in Europe, I might as well make a note about the traffic signs. We really should have researched them before hopping behind the wheel, as there were quite a few we didn't understand, and they weren't terribly intuitive (to us anyway). For example, European 'No Entry' sign versus European 'No vehicles' sign versus European 'No stopping' sign The first is the pretty internationally standard "no entry" sign, but when you see the third sign in isolation, it seemed to us at least, that perhaps that meant "no entry", where it actually means "no standing". "No parking" is a variant of "no standing", with just one diagonal line. The middle sign means "no vehicles", which makes no sense at all, unless you've seen (and understood) the other versions of this sign, which have lesser restrictions of "no cars" or "no bicycles" and feature an icon of either inside the circle. Speed limit signs were also a bit interesting. You'd have European speed limit sign, which specifies a speed limit, but then you'd have European end of speed limit sign, which means "End of speed limit". Our question was "well what is the speed limit now?" The answer seems to be "the default national limit for the class of road you're on". The final set of signs we didn't understand until Christine explained them to us when we saw her yesterday, were European priority road sign and European end of priority road sign, which are "priority road" and "end of priority road", respectively. We just didn't know what a priority road was. Turns out it means traffic on the priority road has right of way over traffic on roads intersecting it. I would have thought this was pretty obvious, but apparently on a non-priority road, you have to give way to traffic on the right, regardless of whether you have a stop sign or a yield/give-way sign. So there's some sort of implicit four-way stop thing going on on a non-priority road. Every time I see European traffic signs, particularly the triangular warning signs, it gives me a flash back to my childhood. My Aunty Peggy used to have a huge big bag of mixed Lego pieces, including a bunch of European traffic signs, and some square Lego mats, and when we were kids, and we used to go to her house to play, we'd build little towns out of all of the Lego. This was the first time we've driven a manual left-hand drive car, and it was fine, except your immediate subconscious reaction the first few times is to go reaching for the gear stick with your left hand, and bash it into the door. It was also the first time we've driven on a roundabout on the right hand side of the road. That was interesting, because it added an additional thing to think about: the traffic on the left.

